The series was adapted into two anime TV series by Studio Pierrot and Studio Hibari. The series is licensed by Crunchyroll for online streaming with English subtitles.
Yumeiro Pâtissière: Fourteen-year-old Ichigo Amano is clumsy and doesn't have any talent except for eating sweets (specifically cakes). When she stumbles upon a Sweets Festival, she meets Henri-sensei who acknowledges her ability of taste and invites her to transfer to St. Marie Academy to become a pâtissière. Ichigo has trouble adjusting initially, but with the help of the 3 Sweets Princes (Makoto Kashino, Satsuki Hanabusa, and Sennosuke Andou) and the Sweets Spirits (Vanilla, Chocolate, Caramel, and Cafe), she gains the confidence and skill to work towards becoming a pâtissière. Throughout the entire anime is Amano and the Sweet Princes trying to win the Grand Prix. Which allowed them to go to Paris. Throughout the competition, Amano has a lot of character change and she grows little by little. She realize many things and her skills are improving rapidly.
Yumeiro Pâtissière Professional: Two years after studying in Paris, the sixteen-year-old Ichigo now returns to Japan as a professional pâtissière. As soon as she returns, Ichigo finds Team Ichigo breaking up. The Sweets Princes, Hanabusa and Andou, take long absences from school to work for their dreams, leaving only Ichigo and Kashino. Kashino skipped a grade due to having top grades back at Paris. Soon a "new" Team Ichigo is formed by Henri-sensei for the project. The team includes Lemon Yamagishi, Johnny McBeal, Makoto Kashino , and Amano Ichigo. They are now working as professionals for the project and their dreams.
My Reviews
I honestly recommend this anime to all otaku that is interested in animes like Special A, Gakuen Alice, Ouran High School Club, Yamato Nadeshiko and the like. Also, I find it really fun, sweet and memorable. Of course, no one will forget about the Sweet Spirits.
I have an LSS in their Opening Theme Song on the Second Season, so I will share it :D Just watch and enjoy, toodles!
watch the anime episodes :D
oh wow 0-0